Welcome to the Upper Long Lake website!
This is where you can keep current with your neighborhood, lake management and other topics of interest to all the residence who live on and around Upper Long Lake in West Bloomfield / Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Upper Long Lake Woods (ULLW) announces their 2019 annual General Membership Meeting Date, Time and Location!
The Upper Long Lake Woods Board of Directors announces their 2019 general membership annual meeting will be held April 30th at Gino's Pizza at 6:30pm. Gino's is at 1999 Cass Lake Rd., Keego Harbor, MI 48320 248-682-6540. Check out the agend here.
The Upper Long Lake "State of the Lake" (2017) Report & 2018 Management Recommendations was released March of 2018. Read it here.
Found in our lake... "One of the rarest fish anywhere it is found and a Michigan endangered Species... a Pugnose Shiner" Sally Petrella, Volunteer Monitoring Program Manager, Friends of the Rouge. In september friends of the rouge river took a sample of fish from Upper Long Lake in the the sample was an odd looking minnow, identified as a Pugnose Shiner (Notropis Anogenus). The ID was confirmed by Gerald Smith at the University of Michigan! Learn more about the Pugnose Shiner here. "Congratulations to the Upper Long Lake managers for having a healthy enough lake to support this fragile Species." Read more about the Friends of the Rouge Fish Community Survey of Upper Long Lake conducted between September 21st 2017 and August 29th 2018, here.

Phragmites: This is the sixth year that I have written to you because of serious infestations on our lake of the invasive plant Phragmites Australis. Because of the letter and the observant eye of many volunteers we found 28sites with phragmites. We enter 2017 with 4 sites still needing a lot of attention, 15 sites under reasonable control and the remaining 9 eradicated.
Harvesting Ramp Repair: In 2017 the Lake Board will spend $22,106 to repair the harvesting ramp in the ULLE subdivision as specified in a contractual agreement with the ULLE. We learned about the need for repair after the public SAD assessment meeting in December 2016. It did not get into this year’s budget. We have enough reserve to cover the expense, but next year our overall costs will increase$22,106 so next year you can expect a higher assessment.
Aeration Status: The difficulty has been in securing a location for the compressor on private property. The size and noise are concerns. The Shores subdivision has agreed to house the compressor on their Bayou Drive launch site. It will be housed in a sound proof structure that should decrease sound issues. The manifold will be located at 1880 Long Lake Shores. This equipment will distribute air to about 30 sites. Other problems will have to be resolved such as getting permission from the nine sites that will have the 2” diameter pipe extending underwater from the launch site to the lake, through the canal next to the seawalls. This and the SAD requirements may take most of 2017 to resolve.
More information on the aeration project.
Sheriff on the Lake: During the May 22 Bloomfield Township Board of Trustee’s meeting a resolution was passed to have Bloomfield Township contract with the Oakland County Sheriff Marine Patrol to spend 7 partial days on our lake. The $1,500 cost will be paid by the Shores subdivision for 2017. Any future patrolling will require the various subdivisions around the lake to pay the cost. Please read the attached Safety rules for our lake, which summarize many but not all State marine laws. Read the State rules in the watersafety section of the our website. Pay close attention to life jacket rules (all people in boats under 16 feet, canoes, kayaks, jet ski must be wearing a life jacket. A life jacket in boats above 16 feet must be in the seat, on the person or on the floor for all people on the boat – not stored in a compartment)
Take a Look Back at Upper Long Lake
Interested in what our looked like 15 years ago how about 60 years ago? Check out these amazing photos that chronicle the development around our lake from 1949 through 1997. Thank you Steve George for providing these photos!
Learn more about the Upper Long Lake improvement board.
Link to the Bloomfield Township Upper Long Lake Improvement Board.
Sunset Upper Long Lake 2015... Nice Picture Matt Wignet!
*Reference A Landowner's Guide to Phragmites Control, Michigan DEQ