| Upper Long Lake Bloomfield Hills, MI |
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|  | | Learn about Managing the health of our lake fish and wildlife check out: Aquatic Plant Management - Best Practices in Support of Fish and Wildlife Habitat. This pamphlet was produced by the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation and the project was lead by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Includes input from multiple states including the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Learn about managing the health of our Lake's Aquatic Plants: Biology and Control of Aquatic Plants: A Best Management Practices Handbook.
Other sites of interest:
Aqua Weed Control - this site offers detailed information about Chemicals used in lakes for various purposes. Check the Upper Long Lake Notice for details on any chemical treatments for our lake.
Upper Long Lake Water Quality Studies 1999-2010.
Learn about the plant the Michigan DEQ calls "invasive and a threat to the ecological health of our wetlands and the Great Lakes", in the their brochure, A Landowners Guide to Phragmites Control.
More information about lake plant control: http://www.aquatics.org/aerf_handbook.pdf
A wonderful benefit of a clean lake that many of us enjoy is fishing. In fact according to the Friends of the Rouge Fish Survey of Upper Long Lake conducted between September 21st 2017 and August 29th 2018, they found that "Upper Long Lake has the best quality fish community of the lakes we have surveyed in the area". Read more here. In order to maintain a great fishing lake please follow the DNR guidelines for catch and release and proper licensing. If you have questions what those guidelines are please click here.

photo taken by Steve George after a summer storm