Found in our lake... "One of the rarest fish anywhere it is found and a Michigan endangered Species... a Pugnose Shiner" Sally Petrella, Volunteer Monitoring Program Manager, Friends of the Rouge. In september friends of the rouge river took a sample of fish from Upper Long Lake in the the sample was an odd looking minnow, identified as a Pugnose Shiner (Notropis Anogenus). The ID was confirmed by Gerald Smith at the University of Michigan! Learn more about the Pugnose Shiner here. "Congratulations to the Upper Long Lake managers for having a healthy enough lake to support this fragile Species." Read more about the Friends of the Rouge Fish Community Survey of Upper Long Lake conducted between September 21st 2017 and August 29th 2018, here.

A wonderful benefit of a clean lake that many of us enjoy is fishing. In order to maintain a great fishing lake please follow the DNR guidelines for catch and release and proper licensing. If you have questions what those guidelines are please click here.
For information about Michigan fishing click this link to the 2011-2012 Michigan Fish Advisory, A Family Guide to Eating Michigan Fish
Michelle Bruneau from the State of Michigan sent us an email explaining Mercury in water and fish:
Mercury is in all bodies of water in Michigan because it enters into the system through the air. Mercury is a natural element found in the earth, it’s also given off by coal-burning power plants and other industry. The tiny mercury particles float in our atmosphere until they are brought back down to earth by the rain. It can either be directly dropped into our lakes and rivers or it can be absorbed by leaves, which then fall into the water and decompose. Once mercury is in the water, tiny little critters (microbes) go to work on it and they digest and convert the mercury into what is known as methylmercury. It’s this methylmercury that is found in fish.,1607,7-132-54783_54784_54785_54800-256866--,00.html
Michigan Statewide Mercury Advisory covers:
- all inland lakes in Michigan not listed in the Michigan Fish Advisory
- all fish species that are not listed specifically in lakes that are listed in the fish advisory
Here is a link to the Statewide Mercury Advisory:
The Mercury problem is not unique to Michigan. Most people are aware of the need to also limit tuna and other seafood consumption because of mercury, but this information will help them know exactly how much fish is safe to eat from stores & restaurants:,1607,7-132-54783_54784_54785_58671-256887--,00.html
Other chemicals found in fish:
If you follow the Statewide Mercury Advisory and the guidelines presented in our 3Cs document ( with regard to other chemicals sometimes found in fish, you’ll be reducing your exposure to the most common chemicals found in Michigan fish.
If you don’t have access to the Michigan Fish Advisory, there are a few additional guidelines one can remember to be sure you’re catching the safest fish available – you just have to remember the word SAFE:
Smaller fish are better – panfish, like bluegill or perch, often have very few contaminants
Avoid predator fish & bottom-feeders – unless they are listed specifically in the Michigan Fish Advisory as being OK
Fat should be removed – PCBs and dioxins stay in the fat of the fish
Eat fish that have been broiled on a grate or grilled – this way, any remaining chemical-carrying fat in the fish can drip away
Great fishing:

Check out the my fishing reel in the left corner... Yep. Caught on my kids fishing pole!

Winter 2010. Fishermen report quantity and quality of Upper Long Lake fish is very good!

Winter 2010. BIG pike!

Fall fishing...